Explain the format to everyone. Keep a timer ready and then let them all brainstorm against various dimensions, take a deep dive and submit their ideas before the time is up | We all should spend some time reading all the ideas. If possible, combine the similar ones.. Now, one by one, we should discuss them and share our opinion | It is not possible to improve on more than 2 or 3 lessons hence voting helps. We can give equal vote rights to all members and then check the points that received maximum votes. | Here we need to define the measurable points against each voted item. This gives us a clear idea on what exactly we need to do to make the improvement. It’s all about being more specific. |
All the ideas are submitted and are ready to discuss | At the offset of step 2, we have discussed all the ideas by everyone and also shared our views | The most voted items are shortlisted as the final ones which team wants to improve. | We can then conclude the event by reading and formally agreeing on our intent to improve on finalised voted items |