An activity and case study based learning experience on how to achieve consumer centricity.
Schedule a Call300+ Programs designed and delivered by seasoned consultants & trainers
Hands-on modules with use cases, gamification & simulation exercises
10000+ People trained and coached by hands-on consultants
Benzne is an award winning agile & leadership consulting and training company. Our time bound, business context driven, framework agnostic focus in driving turnkey agile transformation journeys differentiates us from other agile consulting and training companies.
This workshop provides an overview on changing business dynamics in today’s VUCA world and how gradually businesses are shifting left, listening to customers/ consumers and benefitting by bringing the real insights to drive the business. The workshop will provide systematic structured learning to imbibe such traits in your current ways of working.
The course is a mix of concepts, exercises, simulations and activities to understand the essence of Consumer Centricity in an instructor-led learning program.
Participants will become familiar with a variety of techniques, case studies to solve and real life use cases to understand consumer behaviour, persona maps, empathy techniques and ways to implement the insights and validate the consumer needs by continuous delivery approach.
We design and deliver contextual leadership learning programs for our clients to impact organizational culture and mindset.
Check our Corporate Leadership Training Page
Below are some of the Customised Training Programs that we have run for our clients. Contact us at if you want to discuss and contextualise a similar program for your business teams.
Benzne as a consulting & training company helps organizations adopt a quick, time-bound, outcome-driven transformation journey marrying culture, mindset, process, tools, and hands-on implementation expertise.
Book a discussion with India's best Leadership and Management training team!
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