

DevOps tool chain

DevOps Transformation Journey

DevOps transformation journey

DevOps transformation journey starts with a GAP Assessment Due Diligence Study, followed by a focused Executive Leadership Workshop & Development Branch Restructure Setup. This is followed by Pilot Project Preparation, Tools & Core Team Set-up. 

Customized trainings for Project Leadership & Core Team & Foundation Training for Pilot Projects is done to prepare the Setup Infrastructure for CI & CD pipeline followed by Setting up 100% automated build.

This is followed by:

  • Validate CI and Publish Results
  • Foundation Training for CD Project
  • CD Implementation – Puppet/Ansible/etc
  • Deployment Modules
  • Unit & Integration Testing of Deployment Modules
  • Integrate Microservices and deploy full product
  • Implement Full Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Deployment (CD) Setup for validation
  • Coaching Resources for Culture & Technology Steps
  • Publish Closure Report

DevOps Pipeline Implementation

Commit Stage Pipeline

Static Code Analysis

Security Scan Analysis

Unit Test

Test Coverage Analysis

Mutation Testing

Generate Artefact

Publishing Results

Acceptance Stage Pipeline

Functional Test, Performance Test

Security Penetration Test

Infrastructure Management

Managing Infra as Code

Ansible, Puppet etc..

Release Stage Pipeline

On-Demand Deployment to Target Environment

Smoke Test

DevOps implmentation

DevOps Role Fulfillment

DevOps consultant

DevOps Training Workshops

Check some of our custom workshops on DevOps like DevOps hands-on workshop, Jenkins, Github, Dockers, Kubernetes etc.Here

DevOps training
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