Category: Agile

Agile Methodology Process Navigating towards Success

Agile Methodology Process: Navigating towards Success

Introduction “Embracing uncertainty and embracing change is the heart of Agile.” — Jeff Sutherland Prior to Agile, software development followed traditional Waterfall methods, characterized by rigid planning, linear execution, and limited customer involvement. Projects were often delayed, over-budget, and failed to meet customer expectations. Agile turned the traditional approach on Read More

How To Build A Self-Organizing Team in Agile - Complete Guide

How To Build A Self-Organizing Agile Team: Complete Guide

Introduction to Self Organizing Team A self organizing team is a group of individuals who collectively take ownership of goals, decisions, and processes. They collaborate, share responsibilities and adapt to changing circumstances without external direction. In order for the teams to self-organize, the external environment should enable them to experience Read More

Guide For Daily Scrum Meeting (DSM) – Dos And Donts

Surprisingly, most teams following Scrum see Daily Scrum Meeting (DSM) as just a 15 min ritual – one where teams get together to exchange updates. And quite conveniently, an inordinate percentage of scrum masters tow the ‘update’ line. They use DSMs to merely tick boxes off – facilitating and collecting Read More

Agile Coach Vs Scrum Master - what are the differences

Agile Coach vs Scrum Master: What Are The Differences?

Introduction to Agile Coach vs Scrum Master  The Information Technology Industry since its inception understood the essence of agility as the user requirement continuously evolved due to the rapid advancement in technology and the associated ecosystem. This got further impetus with the digital transformation wave that touched almost all sectors Read More

What is Agile Manifesto and its 12 Principles

What is Agile Manifesto and its 12 Principles?

In the early 1990s, software development was going through something called “the application development crisis.” People started to notice a significant lag in the delivery of new software development applications. It was taking them too long to deliver the projects, and often when the projects were delivered, they were already Read More

Agile estimation techniques infographiccc

Agile Estimation Techniques for Accurate and Effective Project Planning

Introduction Agile Estimation Techniques “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” – by Peter Drucker Planning and estimating work plays a major role in transitioning your projects and teams to Agile ways of working to negotiate the challenges of the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) world. Agile ways Read More

Building an Agile Team Structure Overview

Building an Agile Team Structure: A Complete Overview

Agile is one of the most widely accepted ways-of-working to approach a project in recent times in the industry. Organizations are choosing agile over other approaches to reap the benefits of increased customer satisfaction, responding to market changes, and staying relevant in the VUCA world. Agile is a different way Read More